Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The Time business podcast of April 9th 2007 talks about mini-computer. After the big lunch of Apple iphone that made everyone talk about all winter, two teams of Microsoft technologists work hard to get back in to the spotlight. So, in April, they lunch Flipstart. Paul Allen was at 54, the one who dreamed it up and founded the Flipstart. Paul Allen, co-founder, says that it is “the first fully powered ultra mini PC, satisfying to use. Meanwhile, it is say that it is not the only machine to proclaim those functions but they are the first to have a package that is compose of new generation processors, batteries, screens and memories chips. It is a devise that is more portable than a laptop and more powerful than a cell phone. It is an other big competition of market between Apple and Microsoft. That why Jeremy Caplet called his story Billionaire Bet.

Personally, I prefer Apple. I have experience both and I really rely even more on Apple. It answers better my need in the creativity, organizing and music world. The iphone impress me even more than the Flipstart. I really do not see what it has better even if the package is pretty good. The cost of this machine is 2000,00 $US. I prefer to get the iphone at 600,00$US before or an other laptop from Apple that has already most of what this machine have. It is the rich people that can offer them this kind of gadget. It is a good gadget but it is not what a student with so little can offer or a medium class person. This is the world of Business. There is always something new and better.

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